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Eyes of Your Heart

Updated: Nov 1, 2023

A few years ago, I published a column called Coffee Shop Talk for a Calgary Christian newspaper, City Light News. When researching, I‘d visit coffee shops, restaurants, and other venues to ‘listen’ for inspiration. This time I feel inspired to ask the question, ‘What do you see?’

Many artists are inspired by what they ‘see’ with the eyes of their heart. Some start with an end picture in mind, some go with the flow. This painting, ‘Taking Daddy’s Hand’, was inspired by my son and grand daughter. At first glance, it’s a cute picture of daddy and daughter, walking hand in hand. Now look again. Look closer. ’What do you see?’

This artist sees a close relationship, built on love and trust. Father and daughter, walking down a dirt road on their next adventure. While painting this picture, I thought of my own relationship with my dad. How much I missed him, and how many walks and talks we would no longer have. As I painted, something strange happened. My heart came out my eyes, and many hurts, regrets and sorrows washed away, replaced with peace. That may simply be how this artist’s brain works, or an invitation for us to challenge what we see with our eyes, and invite us to see with our hearts.

At the time, all I knew was being creative made my spirit feel better, refreshed, renewed. The more I created the more freedom came. I discovered an invitation to walk hand in hand with my Heavenly Father. Over time I found my grief subside and my heart fill with faith, hope and love. As I allowed these gifts to reside in my heart, my soul discovered something else, more gifts of my spirit to unwrap.

My Heavenly Father is teaching me to see with new eyes, the eyes of my heart. Many times, a scenario will be brought to my attention, on a walk or in my thoughts. A quiet nudging will stir in my spirit. At first glance the scenario appears innocent enough, like a father and son walking down my street while the boy explores every puddle along the way. ‘Isn’t that cute,’ comes the first thought. ‘Look closer. Watch.’ Then I see more. The father has so much patience as this child doddles along. The child laughing as dad tussles his hair. Father and son enjoy each other’s company in the heat of the afternoon, as they walk hand in hand creating memories; experiencing the moment. More fruit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.

The next time you are out and see an everyday interaction, I would challenge you to stop, look and listen. Look past the obvious. Open your heart to see. Listen to your Spirit stirring. I suspect the more we look with our heart, the more Love will appear. In my experience when we slow down, we find faith, hope and love, and the greatest of these is Love. ‘What do you see?’

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